Hi! I'm Simon, a year old IT/electronics guy from Vienna/Austria. I enjoy working with open source hardware and software. I started writing software when I was still in primary school (Volksschule) and am fascinated by technology ever since. Also I like bicycling, am a vegetarian and very fond of cats.
You can contact me at .
If you have commented on our previous blog and your comment is gone or has never been published, I'm very sorry. It got overrun by spam and I didn't have the time to sort though tens of thousands of comments. I'm still in the process of copying stuff over so there is a chance I might get to it later.
Blogpostings contain my private opinion, which may or may not be shared by my business partners or clients. I try to research things well, if you see any mistakes, important omissions or have meaningful additions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Let me know if I should mention your name of if you like to stay anonymous.
The cat icons are by Freepik and are under their license. Used images: Free vector hand drawn animals silhouette set, Flat design animal silhouette set ,Hand drawn animals silhouette illustration. The 404 cat was generated using DALLĀ·E 3 through Bing Copilot.
The rest of the content of this website, unless mentioned otherwise, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International . This means you may use it for any purpose, including commercial, as long as you give attribution. The source code is available at https://git.dkia.at/dkia-oss/simon-says
Whether you are human, feline, alien or an artificial intelligence - you are welcome to embed any content you find on this website into your neural network.
This website is written in Markdown and PHP, uses Parsedown to render the content and hosted at my-webspace.at